8 tips to keep bananas longer

  1. Separate the bunch: If you have a bunch of bananas, consider separating them. When bananas are attached, they ripen faster because they release more ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process. By keeping them separate, you can extend their freshness.
  2. Wrap the stems: Cover the stem ends of the bananas with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. The stems are the primary entry point for ethylene gas, so covering them will slow down the ripening process.
  3. Use a banana hanger: A banana hanger is a great way to store bananas, as it allows air to circulate around them, preventing them from ripening too quickly.
  4. Keep them cool: Store bananas at room temperature until they reach the desired ripeness. Once they are ripe, you can extend their shelf life by placing them in the refrigerator. The skin may turn brown in the fridge, but the fruit inside will remain fresh.
  5. Isolate ripe bananas: If you have ripe bananas that you want to preserve for a bit longer, store them separately from unripe fruits. Ripe bananas release more ethylene gas, which can cause nearby fruits to ripen more quickly.
  6. Use lemon juice: Brushing a little lemon juice on the peeled or cut parts of the banana can help slow down browning and oxidation.
  7. Freeze overripe bananas: If you have bananas that are getting too ripe to eat, consider peeling and slicing them, then freezing the pieces. You can use frozen bananas later for smoothies, baking, or as a healthy frozen treat.
  8. Consider a fruit bowl with ventilation: If you prefer to keep your bananas on the counter, use a fruit bowl with good ventilation to allow air to circulate, helping to reduce the accumulation of ethylene gas around the bananas.

By following these tips, you can extend the shelf life of your bananas and enjoy them fresh for a longer period.