Anti-Inflammatory Foods with Crazy Powerful Healings Benefits

Inflammation is one of those things that everyone suffers from to some extent, and it is the cause of many conditions that are mildly irritating to those that can create a great deal of suffering. Fortunately, nature has a way to reduce inflammation, and many of the following foods can help you do just that.

1. Dark chocolate
To continue reading, let’s start with dessert. Because who doesn’t like chocolate? Dark chocolate may be slightly more bitter than milk chocolate or the type you could sprinkle on a Sunday, but it is most certainly chocolate and can be quite tasty.

What’s best is that this delicious treat is filled with antioxidant antioxidants, especially polyphenols that reduce inflammation. A study found that cocoa polyphenols in dark chocolate can protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation. The flavonoids in dark chocolate also play a role in reducing inflammation around the arteries, keeping them healthy.

When choosing your dark chocolate treat, however, make sure that some contain at least 70 percent cocoa because the cocoa plan is where the antioxidants come from.

2. berries
The following is another sweet but sweet that goes well with dark chocolate, quite impressive. Yes, berries like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and even bananas are full of anti-inflammatory properties, including antioxidants. The antioxidants in berries are called, and it has been found in several studies that they reduce inflammation which can potentially lead to harmful illnesses.

In a study by the Department of Internal Medicine, overweight men and women were given strawberries for six weeks. After the study, the subjects were found to have lower levels of inflammation associated with heart disease.

3. Oranges
If you want to fight inflammation, you have to have a healthy immune system and oranges do just that. Oranges are a great source of vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant to boost your immune system and fight harmful free radicals that can cause inflammation. They also contain potassium, fiber, calcium and folic acid and are known to help increase collagen to help build and maintain strong connective tissue.

If you’re having trouble eating oranges with all the pulp, you can still reap many benefits (minus the fiber) from a good tall glass of OJ.

4. Mushrooms
Not to be confused with the psychedelic type and the thousands of other inedible varieties, mushrooms actually have really impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Commercially grown edible mushrooms, such as truffles, oysters, shiitake and portobello, are rich in potassium, selenium, copper, magnesium and iron. They also include B vitamins, riboflavin, niacin and are the only vegetable or fruit that is a natural source of vitamin D.

All of these things are incredibly healthy, but it’s the phenols and other antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory properties. Oyster mushroom study found that due to its antioxidant components such as flavonoids, phenolics and polysaccharides

5. Almonds
When the blood vessels become blocked, the arteries become inflamed and vice versa. This leads to high blood pressure and heart disease. Almonds have been shown repeatedly to have heart benefits. This is largely due to omega 3 fatty acids (healthy fats) which improve the profile of fatty acids in the blood.

Research has also linked almonds to reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

6. Dried beans
Dried beans are excellent plant-based foods with anti-inflammatory properties like minerals, B vitamins and vitamin K. They are also rich in fiber, polyphenols rich in antioxidants and magnesium. In recent studies, magnesium has been shown to help reduce inflammation. A study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research notably revealed that a magnesium deficiency was associated with increased inflammation, which led the researchers to conclude that a diet rich in magnesium would reverse these effects.

Some varieties of beans include white beans, red beans, pinto beans and black beans, all waiting for you to eat them and progress to a healthy life without damaging the inflammation.