Anti-Aging Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

Have you ever heard the phrase “Beauty comes from within”? This means that what we eat really matters, not only in how we feel physically, but also in how we see ourselves. And while there is no shortage of expensive creams and potions that advertise younger-looking skin, the answer is sometimes as far as your cooking and much cheaper.

Foods that contain antioxidants, vitamins C, D, E, K and the B complex, as well as choline and folic acid, are great for changing your body at the cellular level, creating really shiny skin instead of the facade of health. These delicious and healthy foods also reduce the risk of skin cancer and other cancers, in addition to protecting against cardiovascular disease.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, so it makes sense that it responds to nutritious food as happily as any internal system. If you’re looking to go back in time or have a damp glow that hides the fact that you have to spend all day in an office, improving your diet is the way to go. Here are some incredible anti-aging foods you will love to eat.
1. Lawyers

Fat is a natural lubricant and we need it in our bodies to facilitate all kinds of processes. But the trick is that it must be the right type of fat. Avocados contain many healthy types, which help keep the skin supple and hydrated. A study examining the diets of more than 700 women found that consuming a lot of healthy fats, such as avocado, results in smoother, more elastic skin.

Avocados also contain compounds which the evidence suggests can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. When you sprinkle green stuff on toast or incorporate it into a vibrant salad, you also get a healthy dose of vitamin E and vitamin C. These nutrients are great partners for creating collagen and protecting your skin from oxidative damage. makes you look worn.

2. dark chocolate

Improving your skin through diet should not be like deprivation. You can have your chocolate and look great too. Several studies have determined that cocoa powder is rich in certain specific antioxidants that help moisturize the skin. If you eat a little dark chocolate every day, you will find that your skin is less rough and flaky and can resist sunburn longer. (But don’t throw away your sunscreen.)

Another benefit of eating cocoa is that it improves blood circulation and therefore provides more of these essential nutrients to the skin. But it is better to stick to dark chocolate which contains at least 70% cocoa. This will give you healthy benefits without too much extra sugar. Too much sugar in the diet can actually break down collagen and cause flare-ups.

3. Red wine

It turns out that you can taste a glass of wine without fail. Red wine contains resveratrol, a highly touted compound that minimizes the effects of aging on the whole body. You may even notice that some beauty products designed to create a youthful appearance also contain resveratrol. It works if applied locally or eaten.

When you consume resveratrol in the form of wine (or grape juice, it does not need to be fermented), the production of free radicals slows down. Free radical damage is one of the main drivers of skin damage and premature aging. Now, it would be careless if we didn’t say that excessive drinking has many negative aspects associated with it, including poor skin. But if you are going to drink, red wine may be the safest option for your skin.

4. tomatoes
Tomatoes are delicious and so versatile that it’s hard to get bored with them. Whether fresh, cooked or in sauce, tomatoes can be the star of a dish or skillfully support other ingredients. When you love tomatoes, you get a good amount of vitamin C, which will help prevent flaky skin.

But even better, tomatoes contain all of the main carotenoids, including beta carotene, lutein and lycopene. These powerful antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. Even more exciting is that to completely absorb the carotenoids in your diet, it is best to eat them with some form of fat. Think of it as your free pass to snack on avocado, cheese, olive oil or nuts at the same time.
5. Nuts
There is a lot of news on how nuts in general, and nuts in particular, contain an optimal ratio of essential fatty acids. Our bodies use these essential fatty acids as building blocks for healthy cell membranes, and because we don’t create them internally, we have to get our omega-3 and omega-6 from food. Another excellent source of EPA is oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring.

We recommend nuts for your EFAs as they also contain skin-loving antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium, as well as 4 to 5 grams of protein per ounce. Because nuts are also high in fat, it’s best to consume one ounce per serving, but that’s enough to get 6% of the RDI for zinc. Zinc is known to help heal the skin, as well as fight bacteria and inflammation.

6. sweet potatoes
Beta-carotene is a type of antioxidant from the carotenoid group that can actually protect your skin from sun damage, and sweet potatoes are a particularly rich source. You can’t necessarily avoid using sunscreen if you’re going to be outside for a significant period of time, but a diet rich in beta carotene increases the time you can spend in the sun without getting burned.

It is important to avoid sunburn, not only because it increases the risk of skin cancer, but because it causes cell death. This causes dry, wrinkled skin. If you need another reason to eat your sweet potatoes, this beta carotene can give your skin a warm, tanned tone without any exposure to the sun.
The key to achieving healthy skin through diet is to focus on plant-based foods with a small amount of lean meat, such as fish, added. Fruits, vegetables and natural products, especially those on our list, contain the highest levels of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and essential nutrients to protect your precious skin. If you also drink a lot of water, you can further increase the positive effects. Follow our tips for glowing skin that will make your friends green with envy!