7 Reasons You Should Eat Garlic Every Day

Demons, werewolves and vampires, watch out! We present seven shocking, interesting and wonderful facts about garlic, the only substance that makes their lives miserable. On the other hand, if you’re just a human, garlic can make you a super central (healthy).

Every culture that has had access to garlic has realized the superpowers hidden in the humble mass of teeth.

In fact, cultures that had no historical contact use garlic for almost exactly the same medicinal and culinary purposes.

Read on to discover the miraculous healing powers of garlic. You will be amazed by the healing powers and, as a side effect, you will avoid attacks from the undead!
1. Garlic pyramids

The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks gave garlic to workers, Olympians, soldiers and sailors. It was supposed to improve performance (especially for men) and increase work capacity.

Modern science studies this. Garlic is found to improve the physical performance of rodents. Sports performance studies have been mixed, but garlic appears to improve exercise-induced fatigue.

The most significant positive effects have been seen in people with heart disease. A six-week course of garlic oil reduced the maximum heart rate and increased exercise capacity.

2. Garlic is fighting for you!

It turns out that viruses, bacteria and parasites don’t like garlic! Garlic can help you fight or reduce the amount of colds you get by 63%. Garlic also shortens the duration of a cold from seven days to a day and a half.

Ancient uses of garlic include the treatment of parasites and lung conditions. The real reason why garlic works is unknown, but garlic is rich in nutrients that can boost your immune system. If you have a cold, add garlic to your diet.

3. Garlic hates heavy metals

Heavy metal is not music, but something real. Heavy metals like lead and mercury cause organ and brain damage and even death. If you work around heavy metals or live in an old house, consider adding garlic to your diet. Be careful when adding too much to a baby’s diet, talk to your pediatrician.

Workers at the car battery plant reduced lead levels by 19% and reduced side effects like headaches. It was so effective that it overcame the usual treatment with manufactured drugs.

4. Garlic Fat Busts

Maybe vampires are really looking for cholesterol, not blood! Garlic has been shown to affect blood fats. If you have cholesterol problems, try garlic. Regular garlic supplements can lower total cholesterol and LDL (the very bad thing) by 10 to 15%. Unfortunately, this has no effect on increasing the “good” HDL or lowering the triglycerides.

Ancient doctors recommended garlic to “clean the arteries” long before the true purpose of the arteries was discovered. It turns out that the ancients were correct!

5. Garlic tames an angry heart
If you are concerned about heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, garlic is your new best friend. Garlic lowers blood pressure as effectively as prescription drugs. You need about 4 teeth a day, which makes it a great dose. Accumulate up to this amount or you may have an upset stomach.

The effectiveness of garlic is the same whether you use raw garlic, a powdered supplement or an aged supplement. The biggest advantage of aged garlic is that you will not breathe or sweat the garlic.

6. Garlic stops dementia

Dementias like Alzheimer’s disease are caused by free radicals and their oxidative action. Garlic is full of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals. When it combines antioxidant properties with “cleansing the arteries” and lowering blood pressure, you reduce your risk of common brain diseases, including dementia.

Antioxidants have additional health properties by limiting cell damage, or even delaying or stopping cancer. You can’t go wrong by adding garlic to your diet. Again, it does not matter whether it is raw, fed or aged.

7. Garlic – too much of a good thing?

WebMD is known for its extreme caution. And they have precautions regarding the use of garlic. If you are concerned about these conditions, talk to your doctor. Garlic is known to lower blood sugar. If you have diabetes, taking garlic can lower your blood sugar too much.

If you have low blood pressure, the lowering effects of garlic blood pressure could lower your blood pressure too much. There is also the possibility of bleeding, especially during surgery. If you take garlic regularly, stop two weeks before scheduled surgeries.


Garlic adds flavor to food and nothing smells better than garlic and onion sautéed in a pan. Garlic is also a super important weapon in your medicinal food arsenal. It has been used for thousands of years for everything from cleaning to fighting tumors. Modern science can validate many claims.

It is interesting to note that garlic was considered by the upper classes as a food for peasants, perhaps because it was traditionally distributed to workers. Perhaps in this case the peasants were luckier than the ruling classes.

If you don’t like the smell of garlic on your hands, feet, sweat and breath, try aged garlic. You always get all the good things without any smell.